Sunday, April 24, 2011


I made two other skirts (: These I made differently, I used another technique to make the ''shirred'' part.

x Alice x


Queen of Hearts said...

You should put the pictures bigger because they are so pretty but i can't really see the outfit :)


CafféFashion said...

wow! omfg the one on the swings is so amazing. you two are really similar!

Elizabeth Hope said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I love yours!!! Your pictures are amazing but i wish they were bigger! I bet you get that alot lol! if you need some advise on making them bigger you can ask me :)


NLR said...

Beautiful photos and I love the skirts :-)
To answer your sweet comment: My sandals are from a brand called Vero Moda and they're about four years old or something ;-)


Jule said...

your blog is very nice, i like your skirt!:)

Leo said...

thanks, it's from monki ! (;

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment, I've answered your question on my blog!
Cute pictures, but I'd like them bigger, sweetie :)

Unknown said...

you made it? It's so adorable. I love it


vivalablonda said...

I loooooooooove the tittle of this post! and just for that I'm following, you have a cute blog girl! very original way to post I most say!


ada zu said...

really nice picture and amazing skirt :D

Hercy said...

Ohmygosh you both look super pretty! I adore your photos too! I totally agree with some of the comments here, I wish they could be bigger but anyways, that would take a lot of your time so I think I'll just click them out~ Plus the swing picture is beautiful! That was a great shot! ^^

Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog. I really appreciate it! I followed back! *hugs*


Styl'yn said...

I love it!! Love all these pictures!! So great ... oh and about my hat .. I actually took it from my mother but she bought it at Target. Thanx for your comment!! Now following!
xoxo asiahlynn

Dearest Lou said...

wow you're so adorable. i love this look and these pictures. you should come follow me back if you like my blog. hope to see you there!
your newest follower

Monique said...

Such a cute blog!! Love it Alice!

Monique xx

Roos' notes | Roos said...

You girls are so pretty! And lovely skirts you made.

Beckerman Girls said...

What an adorable blog!!!! Those Skirts ROCK ROCK ROCK!!!!! MWAH MWAHxo Big kiss
Beckerman Girls

SC said...

BEAUTIFUL girls x following back, thank you so much for your comment! Very sweet ;)

ddddddd12234 said...

You girls are so pretty! Love the skirts! X

Anonymous said...

you are the prettyst sisters i ever have seen!!!<3

Kristyn Assise said...

Wow, you are so talented! The skirts you made look so lovely; the patterns and cut of the skirt really works. So great!